Preliminary 2011 Public Library Data Now Available

Preliminary data from the 2011 Colorado Public Library Annual Report is now available:

Preliminary Status
A few libraries are still working on getting their data in, however, the vast majority have submitted their reports. The data is considered preliminary until we receive data from all public libraries and all edit checks have been resolved.

About Edit checks
The first round of edit checks are done before respondents complete and submit the survey. The second, third, and even fourth, round of edit checks are done by state library staff (read: me) in cooperation with the U.S. Census Bureau, the federal agency that collects and verifies the public library data for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

 Questions? Need more information?  Contact me at steffen_n at

 Thanks to all the public library directors (and their staff) for submitting data for the PLAR.