Goes Live

Starting today, the CSL Jobline has a new name, new address, and new functionality.

New Name and Address
Library Jobline is the new name for the Colorado State Library’s online job posting service, which can be found at

New Functionality
By setting up an account, users will be able to customize their job seeking and job posting process. Both employers and job seekers will enjoy a newfound independence as they are able to post and search for jobs 24/7* using their customized profiles.

How does it work?
Library Jobline is a database of job openings in libraries and related organizations. Employers populate the database with their job postings and job seekers are able to search the database based on their personal criteria.

How do employers use it?
Their first time to Library Jobline, employers set up an account with their name, location, contact, and other basic information found in their typical job ad. This basic information will automatically populate that employer’s job listings from that point forward. Of course, every job is different, so each individual job posting has fields for describing that particular job. Employers can also create job profiles that can be used again and again for frequently posted job ads.

How do job seekers use it?
Job seekers will go through a similar procedure, except they will set up an account that includes specifications about the job they are seeking, like type of library and salary range. Or job seekers can bypass setting up an account and simply search the database to locate jobs of interest to them.

Why the change to a database system?
Two reasons, really. First, it was time to update the Jobline to include more interactive features that accommodate today’s library and information professionals, including searching and email alerts.

Second, as inveterate statistics geeks, the Library Research Service (LRS) staff wanted to capture all the valuable data that is generate by the online job postings. Mining Library Jobline for data will provide statistics about actual jobs in the library and information professions. Over time, consistent collection of this data will allow the LRS staff to track trends in the library job market in Colorado, providing valuable information to employers and library staff alike.

Why LRS?
Some of the most frequently asked questions at LRS concern salaries, job availability, and the status of library jobs. These issues strike very close to home for all of us. Obviously, we already have many sources of data to answer these types of questions. However, we are always looking for more information on this very popular and important topic. Library Jobline seemed too good a data source to pass up.

Library administrators and human resources managers should note that this project is not intended to gather data on a particular library. In fact, data will be reported in the aggregate in order to encourage comprehensive reporting by users.

What’s “old”?
Library Jobline will have the same 24/7 access* users now find so convenient and unlike some national websites, it’s a free service to both job seekers and employers.

*Note, to prevent spam and other misuse of the site, job postings are reviewed by LRS staff before going live online. Most jobs will be on Library Jobline the same day they are submitted. However, depending on the day and time, some job postings may take up to 2 business days to appear on the site (i.e., job postings submitted on the weekend or during holidays will take longer).

Questions? Need Help?
There is an online FAQ included on Library Jobline. Need more help? You can contact a member of the LRS staff at or 303-866-6900, we?ll be happy to answer your questions and get you started.

The LRS staff would like to thank the terrific, hard-working Jobline Advisory Committee and the legion of testers from libraries across the state for their wonderful suggestions, repeated website testing, and good humor during the six-month development process.

We welcome your input, please contact us with your questions and suggestions at or 303-866-6900.
