[In this video, six people are having a conversation. The people’s names are Chelsea Jordan-Makely, Charissa Brammer, Amy Bahlenhorst, Sara Wicen, Carol Peeples, and Renee Barnes.]
Chelsea Jordan-Makely: We also have questions about how you manage multiple participants and turn taking. I think you addressed that a little, but who wants to share some more about that?
Carol Peeples: I’ll start with that one. We would set the ground rules we had, you know, like one at a time…you know, “you’re sharing the mic.” You know, you just had that person who just wanted to talk and talk and talk to dominate. And I would I think I got a little teacher-ish at that point because I would, I would really just kind of divert like, “hey, I’d like to hear from somebody else now,” or that sort of thing. But yeah, just gently redirecting, maybe. I don’t know. I’d have to look back and see. You can let me know if I’m not so gentle sometimes you know if that person is just going off the rails and talking so much. I’m like, shut up. [laughter] No, I don’t say that, but.
Chelsea Jordan-Makely: It’s interesting since turn taking is actually one of the codes that we were using as a pro-social indicator and that you all were also helping people to do that work of turn taking.
Sara Wicen: Yeah, I would agree with Carol. There’s definitely times when somebody would be much more quiet in the room and it felt necessary to just invite them to speak if they would like to, and so that was one strategy I used. But often times people were self-regulating a bit in our focus groups…I noticed quite a bit of turn taking. It was one of our codes, something we were noticing throughout the transcript, but something that I remember pretty clearly being in the focus groups too, made an impression on me, that people were often polite to each other. If two people start talking at once, one would let the other go and that made our roles much easier and was very helpful for us as well.
Chelsea Jordan-Makely I really wanted to allow some space there…for turn-taking in case anyone wanted to share… Don’t wanna ironically manage this conversation.