Fast Facts

Is $40,000 the Magic Number

May 2007

The latest Fast Facts titled, Is $40,000 the Magic Number? may be of interest to public librarians in Colorado. It focuses on the recent American Library Association~Allied Professional Association declaration that beginning professional librarians should be paid a starting salary of no less than $40,000. If you would like to find out where Colorado stands […]

Statewide Courier is a Savings

We’ve just published a new Fast Facts – Statewide Courier Saves Libraries Thousands in Shipping Costs Each Year. This FF is the result of a study to determine the cost-effectiveness of the statewide Courier. And yes, the courier is very cost-effective. Zeth

Salaries of Staff Working in Archives

March 2007

Take a look at the recent Fast Facts titled Salaries of Staff Working in Archives. This Fast Facts examines the salaries of several positions in archives. Salary information was gathered from ALA-APA surveys, the Society of American Archivists? (SAA) A*CENSUS survey and the U.S. Department of Labor ? Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The issue […]

Non-MLS Salaries in Public Libraries Disparate

March 2007

The latest Fast Facts, Non-MLS Salaries in Public Libraries Disparate , has been posted. This issues focuses on the salaries of non-MLS positions in adult services for public libraries. This Fast Facts concludes that non-MLS positions in adult services are competitive with their peers and that the salaries of Associate Librarians(Non-MLS) are closing in on […]

Colorado Public Librarians Eligible for Public Assistance

January 2007

A Fast Facts titled Colorado Public Librarians Eligible for Public Assistance has been posted. This issues focuses on salaries of key positions in Colorado public libraries and demonstrates how some librarians in Colorado are paid such low salaries that they may qualify for public assistance. The issue can be found in our Fast Facts at […]

Top Ten Reasons to Visit the LRS Booth at CAL

November 2006

10) Enter to win an LRS messenger bag. 9) Get the latest Fast Facts…and suggest topics. 8) Catch up on the latest LRS research, like the current Return on Investment study for public libraries. 7) Pick-up your free, official LRS pen. 6) Find out if you qualify to participate in the Third Colorado School Library […]

Correctional Librarians Vital to Inmates’ Academic Success

April 2006

A recent study of libraries in Colorado?s correctional facilities shows that librarians are an invaluable source of information to inmates enrolled in academic courses. In a recent Fast Facts, guest author Schanie Cairns, concludes, ?Librarians in correctional settings may be a patron’s most important access to the outside world of news, events, ideas, and knowledge. […]

Statistics About Challenges: Update & History

February 2005

Each year Colorado libraries receive numerous requests for books, videos, and other materials to be removed from circulation, and for access to certain library services and programs to be restricted or modified because of various objections. The latest edition of the Library Research Service’s FAST FACTS series takes a look at challenged materials and services […]