
615 jobs posted on Library Jobline in 2014

March 2015

For our popular library job posting website, Library Jobline, 2014 was a spectacular year! In our newest Fast Facts report, we report a total of 615 jobs were posted in 2014—the most ever since we launched the service in 2007—and up a whopping 170% since 2009, the lowest year for job posts in the middle […]

EasyBib reports that 12% of K-12 schools have no information literacy instruction

February 2015

In a follow up to data collected in 2012, EasyBib completed a survey this year of 1,182 school and academic librarians, and 10,471 students, in order to determine how libraries are evaluating and responding to the need for information literacy instruction in schools and in higher education. The report shows there is a wide gap […]

Join us at CAL to learn how to create a data-based elevator speech

October 2014

Will you be attending CAL this week? If so, we hope you will join us for our session, “If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It! Make the Case for Your Library with a Data-Based Elevator Speech.” Here are the details: If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It! Make the Case for Your Library with a Data-Based Elevator […]

State grants doubled the collection budgets of 41 library recipients in 2013-14

October 2014

We recently told you about the State Grants to Libraries Act (CRS 24-90-401) that offered $2 million to Colorado’s libraries and how many libraries were able to purchase materials thanks to the funds. We’ve now received preliminary data for the 2013-14 grant cycle highlighting just how those grants were used, and the impact is clear: […]

Job posts on Library Jobline were viewed more than 423,000 times in 2013

October 2014

In our yearly tradition, our newest Fast Facts reviews the past year of Library Jobline, our popular library jobs posting website. We investigate the kinds of jobs that are posted, what skills are required, and how 2013 was in the larger trends of the library job market. Here’s what we found: In 2013, 431 jobs […]

1998: Average copyright date of technology books (600s section in Dewey Decimal System) in Colorado’s public school libraries

August 2014

These days, it is not uncommon for children to be adept at using the Internet, cellular phones, and/or digital cameras. They might be hard-pressed, however, to find literature in their school libraries that adequately discusses the modern-day use and significance of these technological advancements. Based on results from the 2013-14 Colorado School Library Survey, the […]

90% of Colorado libraries received state funds in 2013-14

August 2014

In 2013, the Colorado State Legislature granted $2 million for libraries to support or enhance early literacy and early learning educational materials. For 2014-15, this funding was renewed and the application period is open now! In the meantime, we’re taking a look back to highlight how 2013-14 went. Through a non-competitive grant process, each eligible […]