The Public Library Blueprints

Stacks of books with a sign dangling from them that says come in, we're open
February 2024

Gain confidence identifying, reading, and building histograms with a data set of public libraries’ hours open per week.

Two women working at laptops in a library.
November 2023

See the percentage of libraries providing wireless internet and technology services in a small multiples visualization.

A silly little Dalmatian puppy that looks like he got into the art supplies, on a blue background.
October 2023

Learn about color vision deficiency so you understand how to make accessible color choices when creating content.

Book case in the shape of tree with books stacked on it
June 2023

Explore library square footage through a type of data visualization that shows data with the area of rectangles.

Kitten playing with bubbles
June 2023

Building bubble charts comes with challenges but if done well can produce fun, engaging, and powerful visualizations.