The Status of Library Media Center Support of Student Achievement

September 2000

How School Librarians Help Kids Achieve Standards, a.k.a. the second Colorado Study, found that well-staffed, well-stocked, and well-funded library media (LM) programs are an essential component of successful schools. This issue of FAST FACTS examines the status of school library media services that support student achievement. Highlights Two out of 5 public schools have either […]

Service to Seniors: Meeting the Needs of a Growing Segment

August 2000

A recent PublishersWeekly.com feature states that one American turns 50 years old every 7 minutes. Although it is not news that a large segment of the population is “graying,” it may be surprising to learn how large the mature adult population in Colorado grew recently and is projected to grow in the next 5 years. […]

The State of Intellectual Freedom in Colorado Public Libraries and School Library Media Centers

April 2000

Every year the Library Research Service surveys public libraries and school media centers in Colorado. These surveys include items concerning the number of challenges received and policies and practices related to Internet filtering. Such data have been collected from school library media centers for the last two years and from public libraries since 1994. Chart […]

Public Library Statistics: How Colorado Ranks

March 2000

In 1997, Colorado ranked in the top half of the states on most public library statistics. Five of the top-ranked statistics clearly demonstrate how popular public libraries are with Coloradoans. Colorado ranks in the top tier of statistics that demonstrate how much and how often residents use their libraries: 7th in the number of visits […]

Trends in Library Paraprofessional Employment

February 2000

The outlook for paraprofessionals in the library field is favorable in Colorado and most of the region. While employment opportunities are expected to grow faster than average for technical assistants and library assistants, wages remain low (see full report for occupation definitions). In 1994, average wages for Colorado library technicians and assistants were $10.75 and […]