Fast Facts Reports

Challenged Materials in Colorado Public Libraries, 2017

August 2018

Every year, the Library Research Service surveys Colorado public libraries about challenges to their materials or services. The libraries that report receiving one or more challenges are then asked to provide additional information. This Fast Facts addresses the number, nature, and outcome of the challenges reported in 2017. PDF version

2017: Library Jobline Reflects a Steady Job Market

June 2018

Postings for library jobs continued to rise in 2017, according to LRS’s popular library job posting website, In 2017, 701jobs were posted—the most ever since the service’s launch in 2007. Average hourly salaries for both Academic ($22.06) and Public ($22.26) library positions remained steady. The average hourly salary for School libraries ($19.86) continued to […]

Check Out Colorado State Parks 2017

May 2018

Check Out Colorado State Parks, the result of a partnership between Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Colorado State Library, provides 297 Colorado libraries with two park passes and adventure backpacks filled with information and educational activities. Patrons of participating public, military, and academic libraries can check out a backpack for a week at a […]

Challenged Materials in Colorado Public Libraries, 2016

September 2017

Every year, the Library Research Service’s Public Library Annual Report surveys Colorado public libraries about challenges to their materials or services. The libraries that report receiving one or more challenges are then asked to provide additional information. This Fast Facts addresses the number, nature, and outcome of the challenges reported in 2016. PDF version

2016: Library Jobline Holds Steady

August 2017

Postings for library jobs remained steady in 2016, according to LRS’s popular library job posting website, In 2016, 673 jobs were posted—the most ever since the service’s launch in 2007. Average hourly salaries for Academic library positions remained steady ($21.96) and Public library positions ($22.09) increased by 6% since 2015. The average hourly salary […]

2016 CTBL Patron Satisfaction and Status Report

April 2017

The Colorado Talking Book Library (CTBL) provides free library services to Coloradans of all ages who are unable to read standard print materials because of physical, visual, or learning disabilities. The CTBL patron satisfaction survey has been regularly distributed to an age-stratified sample of patrons since 2004. Below are highlights from the 2016 survey, as […]

Check Out Colorado State Parks

March 2017

Check Out Colorado State Parks, the result of a partnership between Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Colorado State Library, provides 287 Colorado libraries with two park passes and adventure backpacks filled with information and educational activities. Patrons of participating public, military, and academic libraries can check out a backpack for a week at a […]