Fast Facts Reports

2015-16 Annual Colorado School Library Survey Highlights

February 2017

The Colorado School Library Survey is administered each year by the Library Research Service, an office of the Colorado State Library. All traditional K-12 public educational institutions in Colorado are invited to participate. This report highlights results from the 2015-16 Colorado School Library Survey, which had a 37% response rate. PDF link

One Book 4 Colorado 2016: Creating a Culture of Literacy

January 2017

Founded in 2012, One Book 4 Colorado (OB4CO) is a statewide annual initiative that offers free copies of the same book to every 4-year-old in Colorado. In 2016, the book was Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae. More than 75,000 books were given away at more than 500 sites, including Denver Preschool Program preschools1 and […]

Challenged Materials in Colorado Public Libraries, 2015

July 2016

Every year, the Library Research Service’s Public Library Annual Report surveys Colorado public libraries about challenges to their materials or services. The libraries that report receiving one or more challenges are then asked to provide additional information. This Fast Facts addresses the number, nature, and outcome of the challenges reported in 2015. PDF version

Trends in Colorado Public Library Websites and Social Media Use

March 2016

In 2008, the Library Research Service launched a longitudinal study to document the use of various web technologies on the websites of public libraries throughout the U.S. The study was repeated in 2010, 2012, and 2014, expanding on the 2008 findings by tracking the trends in U.S. public libraries over time as well as by […]

Trends in U.S. Public Library Websites and Social Media Use

In 2008, the Library Research Service launched a longitudinal study to document the use of various web technologies on the websites of public libraries throughout the U.S. The study was repeated in 2010, 2012, and 2014, expanding on the 2008 findings by tracking the trends in U.S. public libraries over time as well as by […]

2015: The Rise of Library Jobline Continues

March 2016

Postings for library jobs continued their upward trajectory in 2015, according to LRS’s popular library job posting website, In 2015, 656 jobs were posted—the most ever since the service’s launch in 2007—and almost 3 times that of 2009’s low of 228 postings. Average hourly salaries for Academic ($21.79) and Public ($20.80) library positions were […]

CTBL Patron Satisfaction and Status Report (2014)

December 2015

The Colorado Talking Book Library (CTBL) provides free library services to Coloradans of all ages who are unable to read standard print materials because of physical, visual, or learning disabilities. CTBL serves more than 6,500 active individual patrons and 500 organizations and has at least one patron in every county in Colorado. The CTBL patron […]

2014-15 Annual Colorado School Library Survey Highlights

October 2015

The Colorado School Library Survey is administered each year by the Library Research Service, an office of the Colorado State Library. Surveys are sent to traditional K-12 public educational institutions. Statewide estimates are produced by weighting survey data to reflect the universe of school libraries in Colorado. Survey responses are totals based on results from […]

Challenged Materials in Colorado Public Libraries, 2014

October 2015

Every year, the Library Research Service’s Public Library Annual Report surveys Colorado public libraries about challenges to their materials or services. The libraries that report receiving one or more challenges are then asked to provide additional information. This Fast Facts addresses the number, nature, and outcome of the challenges reported in 2014. Note: One library […]

Colorado School Library Staffing, 2013-2014

March 2015

How many endorsed school librarians and other library staff are in Colorado? How many Colorado public schools have any type of library staffing? These answers change depending on a variety of factors: position (endorsed librarian or other staff), grade level, school setting (Denver Metro, rural, etc.), and school size. Based on Colorado Department of Education […]