
Endorsed Librarian Positions in Colorado Public Schools Trending Downward

November 2010

As Colorado begins implementing new content standards that emphasize the acquisition of 21st century skills and the ability to understand information in new ways, “digital natives,” a demographic group born and raised in the information age and presumed to be tech savvy, demonstrate a surprising lack of discernment when evaluating information resources, according to a […]

More Job Seekers, Fewer Jobs: Findings from Library Jobline, Year Three

March 2010

For the last 3 years, Library Research Service, a unit of the Colorado State Library, has provided a venue for libraries and library staff to meet in the job search. is a database-supported website where job seekers can create personal accounts and libraries from throughout the state and nation can post job listings. This […]

Use of Statewide Databases Skyrockets in 2009: Library Patrons Benefit from Additional Databases & Training

December 2009

Use of electronic databases in Colorado libraries increased significantly during the last fiscal year, according to new data from the Acquisition of Information Resources Statewide (AIRS) Committee. Thanks to a significant investment in training for librarians and additions to the statewide database package, database use more than doubled between Fiscal Year 2007-08 (FY08) and Fiscal […]

State’s Collaborative Climate Fosters Interlibrary Loan in Colorado

December 2009

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a popular research support service in Colorado libraries. ILL borrowing has increased substantially among public and academic libraries in the state since 2004. Although the increase has been steady for these libraries, items borrowed via ILL still make up a fairly small percentage of circulation overall. Interlibrary Loan Code According to […]

“ASK” – A National Campaign for Reference?

September 2009

In a world where unreliable authorship and reviewed scholarship are in a mixed bag just a Google search away, what role should the library community play in providing information acquisition and discernment? Inspired by a discussion from the Dig_Ref listserv, LRS conducted a 60-Second Survey in late 2008 and asked if librarian-assisted reference services should […]

Libraries and Librarians Feeling Effects of Economic Slowdown

August 2009

The economic recession’s impact on libraries has become a hot topic in recent months. Prompted by editorials and news stories from around the country, the Library Research Service (LRS) undertook our latest 60-Second Survey, “Libraries and the Economic Recession.” The goal of this survey was to gather input from librarians in the field about how […]

User Satisfaction with AskColorado Continues

August 2009

Most users of AskColorado, the statewide 24/7 free virtual reference service, continue to report being satisfied with the service, according to a user satisfaction survey conducted by the Library Research Service (LRS). In the fall of 2008, 1,335 AskColorado users completed a pop-up survey after their virtual reference transaction. The survey asked users how helpful […]

Library Jobs in Colorado: What Does Tell Us?

July 2009

In 2009, began its third year of data collection[note]When the Library Research Service (LRS) took over the administration of in January of 2007, they transferred it from the previous static website to one that is database-backed. This change gave LRS the ability to collect and analyze the information about the job postings received.[/note].  […]