
Is $40,000 the Magic Number?

April 2007

With such a wide range of salaries being offered to new Master of Library Science (MLS) graduates, it may be difficult to know just how much one should expect to be paid. It now appears that $40,000 may be the magic number. Colorado Public Library Annual Report Job Definitions Beginning Librarians: Staff with LIS master’s […]

Salaries of Staff Working in Archives

March 2007

The ALA-APA Non-MLS Salary Survey, the Society of American Archivists’ (SAA) A*CENSUS[note]“The 2004 A*CENSUS (Archival Census & Education Needs Survey in the United States) was conducted by a team of researchers from the Society of American Archivists (SAA) in conjunction with other archivist organizations” (A*CENSUS 2004: Data Collection Methodology Report, 2005, p. 2).[/note] survey and […]

Non-MLS Salaries in Public Libraries Disparate

March 2007

Library support staff are a vital part of many public libraries. They can be an integral part of a department’s services for their patrons. The ALA-APA Non-MLS Salary Survey is ALA’s first attempt to collect salary information nationally for all non-MLS staff not included in the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries. The survey asked participating […]

Colorado Public Librarians Eligible for Public Assistance

December 2006

Based on the results of the 2005 Colorado Public Library Annual Report, many librarians in Colorado earn salaries that meet the income eligibility criteria for public assistance programs. These benefits are based on income and generally calculated for a family of four. Out of the 114 public libraries in Colorado, 63, or 55 percent, provide […]

Non-MLS Reference Salaries in Academic Libraries Lag Behind Peers

December 2006

Library staff who help patrons have a great impact on public perception of the library. The positions of associate librarian, technical assistant, clerks, and various other non-MLS staff are vital to several library services (see full report for position definitions). Many libraries, including academic libraries, use non-MLS staff to support reference areas. At every position […]

Earnings of Library Staff in Mountain West Low Compared to Workers in Similar Jobs

August 2006

According to the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System, librarians maintain library collections, provide patron assistance for locating materials and reference information, and organize collections. Library clerks, on the other hand, compile records, shelve materials, and issue/receive materials. Librarians and library clerks perform work similar to that of professional and clerical staff in other fields such […]

Salaries of Academic Librarians in the West & Southwest Region

The salaries of academic librarians, like many in the library field, are affected by their position, the type of library they are working in, and where their library is located. The ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries 2005 reports average salaries for each of these influencing factors. Most average salaries for the West and Southwest region, […]

Special Library Salaries in Mountain Region Lag Behind Nation

August 2006

Money is always a hot topic in any profession and librarianship is no exception. Salary information is always interesting to note because of the wide ranges in pay—from different types of libraries to different types of positions. Since 1967, the Special Libraries Association (SLA) has conducted a salary and workplace survey that focuses on that […]

Salaries of Librarians and Other Professionals Working in Libraries

May 2006

Questions about library staff salaries are some of the more frequently posed to the LRS staff. To help answer these questions, we consulted the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) and the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) produced by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The data is gathered and reported […]