General Resources
Bill Trochim’s Center for Social Research Methods
A virtual resource center for applied social research and evaluation by Bill Trochim of Cornell University.
Social Research Methods
Program Development and Evaluation
Qualitative Research in Information Systems
Produced by the Association for Information Systems, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Information on conduct and evaluation of the publication of qualitative research.
Researching Librarian
Links to selected web resources useful for research: freely searchable citation and full-text databases, funding information, relevant journals, statistics and statistical methods, useful research tools, current awareness sources, and conference papers and proceedings.
Researching Librarian
Page on Statistics and Statistical Methods
Social Research Update
New developments in social research including new statistical techniques.
Tutorials and Textbooks
Cornell Tutorials on Research
Each of these projects teaches a specific research method topic for audiences that are new to social research
Research Methods Tutorial
Methods in Behavioral Research, 6th ed.
An electronic text for research methods courses in psychology and other behavioral sciences, authored by Paul C. Cozby.
Methods in Behavioral Research
Online Statistics: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study
This site is a self-described “introductory-level statistics book.” It features interactive demonstrations and simulations, case studies, and an analysis lab. Subjects covered include a variety of statistical concepts from probability to chi-square distribution.
Online Statistics Book